Sex: The Tool That Breaks Agendas
Sometimes expectations and agendas cause us the greatest emotional and mental stress. When we’ve created the perfect outcome in our heads, if and when those things don’t happen in that perfectly planned way, we find ourselves feeling empty, angry, disappointed, and whole host of other unpleasant emotions. We often use sex as a tool to forward our personal agenda. Often times that agenda is never realized or the situation is made uncomfortable because we used the wrong tool. Sex can’t be enjoyed when we’re busy thinking if our plans are working, or if this is going to be the time when we decide to take it to the next level. Instead of being present in the moment and immersing ourselves in the experience, we’re planning our next steps. Sex shouldn’t be used to as a tool to solve problems or pursue agendas, but rather as an opportunity to enjoy intimacy and connection with our partners and ourselves.